Miscellaneous work Working on a font! Now, is it still called a ligat ampersand doodle #handlettered #brushlettering # Quick lil' sketch #handlettered #brushlettering # Tried my hand at some Victorian ish steampunk typo Unused little A! #customtype #contemporarytype # 🐻 Work in progress 🐻 #handlettered #dungeon Hi #handlettered #brushlettering #metallogo #bard Lettering made for @alsintradingpost #handlettere This one was so much fun! Extravagant logo system This one was so much fun! Extravagant logo system Metal logo lettering of a dnd spell, for those met DM screen I made for my Dungeon Master, we're play We started a shop on etsy! @alsintradingpost Makin Yarr 🏴☠️ #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddrago More doodling, sir! #handlettered #brushletterin Live #flourish #handlettered #brushlettering #con Logo and some branding elements for an initiative R doodle #handlettered #brushlettering #contempo yo! #memphisdesign #80s #handlettered #contempo Made this quite a while ago but didn't really like And per se and #ampersand #handlettered #brushl 'Create', now in colour 🌈 #flourish #handlette HF + 🃏 #customtype #contemporarytype #youaret The custom type from my last post 🙂 #handletter I designed this intentionally vague crest, basical Custom type, logo, yay! #contemporarytype #handty Illustrators 3D tool is pretty fun, I drew a littl After watching @veritasium 's latest video on entr What would this band sound like? Some more exper DIY typography #contemporarytype #handtype #cust Still flourish mad over here don't mind me #flour Sorry for taking so long to answer what it was gon My face, my cat, and some logomarks I made over th Just a quickie #grafischontwerp #grafischontwerpe Breathe #breathinbreathout #breathingexercises #b I can't stop making excessive amounts of flourishe Which is your favorite wave? #handlettered #brus My Etsy shop is finally online! Shares and follow My little birdie from last year, made from an old Load More Follow on Instagram